The Web has become a tool used by millions all over the world to communicate with one another.

Facebook, Twitter, Digg, YouTube, Google News, IGN, any forum, Skype, eBay, THIS BLOG and practically anything else you have visited or used online today are all tools put online to communicate with other human beings in different ways about different things.

This blog is a learning portfolio for the unit WebComms 101 and will be updated each week as we learn more and more about this "Web" phenomenon.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Week 7

This week we looked at blogs.
I thought the lecture was interesting this week. Especially the story of the blogger that got his hands on a number of photographs of coffins containing dead American soldiers and then posted them on a blog. Previously this was not allowed to be done in the American media and it made the media in America decide to eventually stop following this rule.
I found it amazing how one blog managed to change a whole nation.

The other part I found great was how blogs can be used as a media watch of sorts.
The other story was about how a photographer had edited his photograph of a fire to make it look worse than it was. A blogger noticed this and posted it on his blog causing the photographer's bosses to get a bit annoyed.

In the tut we discussed wether blogs are a good source of information at all.
I couldn't decide, some blogs have brilliant information on them but I find that they are few and far between. There are more blogs that are dedicated to creative, like the photoblog I posted previously, or simply opinionated content. Some are just shit.
There are those that do give you links to good information. There is practically a blog about anything and it's quite possible to find a blog where someone has posted heaps of links to websites they think are useful and relevant to the topic.
Humans after all are the best type of search engine.

Hmm... I guess then that blogs are a useful tool to an extent but are NEVER the only source of information you should use.

I think that a blogs place on the web is for anyone to have their own space on the net where they can discuss and share whatever they want, including their own creative work.

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