We learnt that it's different from the Internet, is coded in html and some history about hyperlinks and the creation of the web itself.
1 thing you must definitely not do anymore; DON'T CALL THE INTERNET THE WEB!
They are different! One is a bunch of computer networks and one is an application that utilises it!
I found the lecture rather interesting this week, it was basically a brief history of the web.
Heres an even briefer version taken straight from my notes;
1945- A machine to retrieve all human knowledge to a desktop is thought of.
1965- Someone thinks of hypertext.
1968- Same guy demonstrates hypertext AND the keyboard and mouse. omg.
1990-Tim Berners-Lee creates the web and all the stuff that goes with it (see below).
1993-The first popular browser was invented. "Mosaic."
Late 1993- Internet is public domain! omg!
1999- Berners-Lee has a bit of a sad because he wanted everyone to be able to edit everything online as well as reading it, like a giant wikipedia, yet everything is read only.
All the stuff that goes with the internet;
HTML; hypertext markup language. A simple code that dictates what you see in your browser.
If you want to see it for this page just right click and click view source.
Hypertext; this blue underlined text. It takes you to another page online. Sometimes they can do other things too like downloading. Sometimes they can take you to pages you don't want to see...
URLS; Uniform resource locators. Goes through DNS' to get an IP. Example; www.google.com
The web has a huge number of websites.
In 2008 google reported they had indexed 1,000,000,000,000 of them.
Thats a lot of web pages.
Oh we were also asked to go here.
It's a wayback machine, a website that has saved hundreds of websites as they've been updated since 1996. You just type in a website and you can see what it was like in the past.
I particularly enjoyed seeing the google beta and facebook when it was about face.
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